GSSI Training Events

UtilityScan: Panasonic G2 Tablet
Apr 10 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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GSSI’s UtilityScan courses are control unit specific. Please ensure the course you are registering for is representative of the control unit (ex. SIR 4000, Panasonic G2 / Windows-based tablet, Android tablet) you use to collect data. Feel free to contact GSSI Training at or 603-681-1109 if you are unsure which class is right for you.
Vancouver, BC: This one-day UtilityScan class focuses on GSSI utility locating systems utilizing the Windows-based Panasonic G2 tablet.
Learn how to:
- Understand GPR method and theory
- Locate and mark objects to find clear spots to dig
- Accurately calculate the depth to buried objects
- Prepare 3D images for client reports
- Discuss liability concerns and business development strategies